
Thursday, July 16, 2020

Welcome to my new blog...

Years ago I had a blog called Cheaper By the Half Dozen. I blogged about family and kids...mainly kids. I don't know why I ever took it down. You see, having six kids gave me plenty to blog about. And now? It's all gone. All of the silly and clever things they did on a daily basis is at the mercy of the memories of those involved.

For several years now, I've tried to start a new blog. But the magic just wasn't there. I could never duplicate my successful blog. And, I will never get back the readers that followed me. What is one to do? Well, I can either lament the blog forever or, start a new one. Since the days of my Cheaper By the Half Dozen blog, I've published a book and written many more. The published book could be bought for ten years but my publisher fizzled out on me and quit.

So I've decided that I will just keep writing. I love my books and stories, but I also want a blog. My blog allows me to quickly jot down memories as they are happening in real life. This blog, God willing, will be here until Blogger rots away. Let's hope that never happens.

Since my old blogging days, I have acquired five grandkids that I lovingly call "taters." We have a pool and so I always picture them in their various floats bobbing up and down in the pool like little potatoes in a pretty pot of stew. And you should also know that they call me Pooka. Well, it's supposed to be Pooka but it varies from Pocka to Kooka. Maybe Kooka is a better name for me.

Anyway, this is supposed to be an intro post. So, my name is Rene' and I have a husband and nine kids. Six of my own and three of his. I write Christian fiction and will tell you a bit more about that here and there as I post. I hope to get to know you, my readers (or reader) in the coming years.

So, welcome to my blog!

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